Tamil Nadu's Village Is Reeling Under A 'Mystery Fever'

The Tamilnadu state is focused on the well-being its Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, the residents of Thandarai village been gripping with fever for the past 20 days. According to the sources, seven people have died so far due to this fever. Once the fever breaks out the victims suffers from vomiting and stomach pain. The village has more than 160 families, first death was reported on October 5 when a 13-year-old student started vomiting at his house after being affected by the fever. He had been taken to the Tiruvannamalai Government Hospital the next day but was declared dead upon arrival.

The doctors arouse the Health Department which opened a medical camp for the village residents. Despite of several efforts the doctors didn’t exact reason for the deaths. The sources says thet the doctors have not found anything unfamiliar in the blood samples of the deceased although a report on the groundwater is still awaited. The doctors also claim that the fever could be the result of some form of food poisoning.

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