Pratham Released Annual Status of Education Report

NGO Pratham has declared the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), according to the report every 4-25 % of students passing 8th class are not capable to read basic Class 2 Paragraph Text. The reading ability has been intensify from 2014 from 74.7% to 73.1% in 8th Standard students. The outstretch of the survey widen to 589 rural districts across the country, which covers 17,473 villages and 5,62,305 childrens of age group 3-16. The Survey also tested the basic reading and arithmetic abilities of 3rd and 4th standard students of both government and private schools. The figures have been improved as compared to last year but its still not very satisfactory. As per the report 58.8% of government and 61.2% private school students cannot read Class 2 text. These figures have improved from 2014 figures of 66.9 and 63% respectively. 

For the arithmetic abilities, there has been a minimal improvement in the primary classes, however the secondary class students remains same. And 68.4% of 7th standard students could correctly carry out a 3 digit by 1 digit division problem in 2010, the number further reduced to 44.2% in 2014 and further to 43.3% in 2016. There was rise in the number of small schools and also increase in the facilities available in the schools. Only 3.7% schools visited in 2016 did not have toilets. Some states stood out in terms of providing computer facilities. The Kerela state had a 89% segment of schools with computer labs. Though states continue to focus on improving the education facility and standards at primary level of education, the overall picture too needs to be better. 

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