New Scam in Bangalore By Auto Drivers

Recently four women commuters in Bangalore came forward with a similar complaint against auto drivers. As soon as the driver starts the auto, he hands over ten 100 rupee notes in exchange for two 500 rupee notes. It does not matter if you return him two 500 rupee notes or the same ten 100 rupee notes because they are anyways going to cheat you.
The driver suddenly starts taking wrong routes and asks for an absurd amount as fare. When the passenger asks to stop the auto, the driver then demands his ten 100 rupee notes that he claims were not given back and threatens physical harm.
What can be done when harassed by nasty auto drivers?
Know your rights:
We hardly know about our rights hence, are reluctant while filing a complaint against errant drivers. Few of the many rules mentioned under the Rule 16 of Chapter II of THE KARNATAKA MOTOR VEHICLES RULES,1989 are:
  •  Shall in the absence of reasonable cause to the contrary, proceed to the destination named by the hirer by the shortest and quickest route.
  • Shall not terminate any hiring after it has been engaged and before discharged by the hirer.
  •  Shall not demand or extract any fare in excess of that which is legally due.
Make a complaint:
To register a complaint against nasty auto drivers, you can call 24X7 Bangalore Traffic Police helpline. The numbers that can be called are 080-22868444 or 080-22868550. It is important to note auto registration number to file a complaint.
Alternatively, you can also send an SMS, for more details, log on to:
Few precautions that can be taken to avoid any mishaps:
  •  Avoid getting into an auto, if a driver seems impolite.
  •  Have a fair idea of the route before you board an auto or use a navigation app on your phone.
  • Make a note of the registration number and also, the driver details displayed behind the driver seat.
  •  If you are traveling alone, call your family or friend and stay on the call during your entire journey.
  •  In case the driver tries to argue with you, don’t act unless you are in a public place.
Source: bangaloremirror | PC: thetimewelivein

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