India needs to keep reform momentum: Arun Jaitley

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said as the world becomes extremely difficult and challenging, India should keep the reform momentum going while putting resources in areas where there are lack. Speaking at the opening day of the three day India-IMF Conference, Advancing Asia Investing for the Future he hoped to get through some important measures over the next few months for growth oriented policies. We have been trying to do our best as far as India is concerned, not withstanding the global environment being extremely difficult and challenging. 
The challenge before India is to keep the reform momentum on one hand and take the best advantage of areas where we are doing reasonably well and then putting a large part of our national resource in areas where we are lacking. Agriculture, infrastructure creation, emerging private sector, improving health of banks are the challenges the government faces, he said. In that realistic analysis, we are attempting to address each one of these challenges. Jaitley hoped that India would continue to grow at a slightly more improved pace in 2016-17 and continue to retain its position as fastest growing major economy in the world.

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