The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits to the United States. Modi will address a joint session of Congress and a convention at the United States-India Business Council. A highly prophesy symbolic visit to the Arlington National Cemetery soon after he landed in Washington on Monday, saw him pay tribute to fallen U.S. soldiers and meet with the family of Kalpana Chawla (Indian-American Astronaut) who died in the 2003 Columbia space shuttle disaster. As Modi and Obama meet it is potentially last time before Obama leaves office in this November.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi address to Congress the fifth by an Indian Prime Minister. India and the United States are expected to further their co-operation in areas like defense trade and energy. Both countries share similar concerns about the brisk rise of China which they have jointly expressed in the recent past, and although India has been somewhat grudging to cement an outright league with the US a deal to allow each country access to the other's military bases under the Logistic Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) is expected to be signed.
India will be looking for official United States support for its membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) the 48 member international body that regulates nuclear spread around the world. Modi arrives in Washington from Switzerlan which has officially endorsed India's NSG candidacy. Both leaders will be keen on unlocking the potential for bilateral trade as well, with India currently the world's fastest growing economy presenting a 1.3 billion strong market that American corporate giants like Facebook, Wal-Mart and Apple are keen to cash in on. Modi has pledged to remove bureaucratic barriers to foreign investment in India but whether key steps to further economic cooperation are realized remains to be seen.
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