SAP Startup Focus & Government of Andhra Pradesh Joint Startup Accelerator

SAP Startup Focus (SAP’s Global Startup Accelerator program) and Innovation Society, The Government of Andhra Pradesh (GovAP) have partnered to collaboratively discover, realize, and empower local innovation in the Indian state. This alliance will grow on many fronts, including formation of a joint startup accelerator and partnered facilitation of technologies, governances, and knowledge – all to empower Andhra Pradesh’s entrepreneurial state.

Innovation in Andhra Pradesh

India envisions 2010-2020 to be its “Decade of Innovation,” and the state of Andhra Pradesh is no stranger to innovation. The Indian state had enacted its Innovation Society alongside many initiatives to unite science, technology, and government to jumpstart the nation’s IT innovation across areas including IoT, Health, Oil & Gas, and Urban Management among many others.

Andhra Pradesh and its Innovation Society have prime advantages to create a world-class disruptive ecosystem – the state already ranks amongst top Indian states in creating conducive business environments for IT and Electronics sectors. Entrepreneurs have access to incubation services, readily trained workforces, and progressive policies/funds to further enrich their innovative pursuits.

Given Andhra Pradesh’s resources and offerings to their startup scene, there are countless industry opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators to disrupt. The state’s government and institutions wholly support the IT and Electronics domains – moreover, these domains are reinforced by the tech-savvy and forward-thinking population. The Innovation Society’s concerted efforts to create an innovative ecosystem aims to “promote the innovation required for leapfrogging in terms of the technology and business models, processes and procedures and to nucleate startup villages.”

Connect with SAP Startup Focus & The GovAP Innovation Society

SAP Startup Focus is a global program helping eligible startups with development, go-to-market, and customer success for their big data enterprise solution. In fulfilling this, Startup Focus hosts and participates in a range of regional and global events to immerse startups in rich networking, learning, and accelerative environments. Forming an innovation alliance with Innovation Society certainly will empower Andhra Pradesh’s diverse, vibrant enterprise communities, startups, and industry leaders.

SAP Startup Focus and the Innovation Society will host GovAP’s inaugural Startup Forum on July 7th at The ITC Fortune Hotel in Visakhapatnam to share program and HANA offerings to help boost startup and innovation momentum. Check back on our events page for upcoming event details including:
  • Learn the operational details of running a startup – raising money, hiring teams, etc.
  • Learn about building next-gen apps on SAP HANA platform and Go-to-Market strategies
  • Understand how to leverage SAP HANA and the ecosystem of customers for viable commercial opportunities

Benefits of Joining the Accelerator

  1. Technology: immediate access to HANA platform – free
  2. Resources: access to technical experts and marketing & sales enablement support
  3. Customers: access to SAP’s global customer base to sell market-ready solutions
  4. Money: Opportunity to pitch to VC community at no cost, fees, now equity
  5. Community of entrepreneurs, partners, investors and thought leaders
Andhra Pradesh and the Innovation Society will also kickoff a 12-week Incubation period after the forum.

Published by @SAP Startup Focus(

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